Friday, April 13, 2012

An Evolutionary Look at Creation, the Fall, and Our Restoration in Christ

Creation is an act of kenosis, i.e. a "self-emptying," whereby the Creator pours out the divine-self to "make room" for something other than the divine-self. Yet creation is not so much "event" as it is a series of dynamic, ongoing, purposeful and transformative processes. In the initial act of creation, God calls the cosmos into being from non-being (creatio ex nihilo). But God also continues to call and draw the cosmos towards the gradual attainment of greater and greater complexity (creatio continua), eventually manifesting itself in the emergence of life, sentience, consciousness, rationality, moral awareness, spirituality, love, beauty, joy, and ultimately, the beatific vision. Considered in terms of mere physicalism, these processes may be rightly subsumed under the scientific term "evolution."

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Part Two: Theosis Realized

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